Thank you Sarah, who raised £850 for Every Month!

Sarah illustration

Sarah illustration

We spoke to the amazing Sarah - @stuido.ess on Instagram, about her fundraiser for Every Month…

I came across Every Month MCR last year on instagram, soon after I decided to follow up with their challenge ‘£100 in 100 days’ creating one illustration a day for one hundred days. This was then put in the form of a book before being printed and sent out to all who pledged, I raised £110 for them. 


After this I felt a sense of pride inside me, so much so that I decided to raise money again for them, this time drawing people’s houses. This time it was during the global pandemic of covid19 where we were all spending more time than ever in our homes, which made it even more perfect. 

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Pledges flocked in and I had already made the £100 within one day! I was amazed and inundated with illustrations, as a 9-5 teacher and freelance illustrator & graphic designer I was spending my evenings drawing house after house. Half way through I had a thought to try and double the money, someone had asked me if I do pet portraits for a commission, and then it hit me for part two of the challenge I would offer portraits of people, couples families and pets. Once again this was loved so much I had doubled the funds again. 

I had also decided to split the challenge into two parts so that EM could get part of the funds early, after all being in the middle of lock down it seemed the most important time that they needed help. I paid out part one and powered through the pet portraits for the second round. Overall I have learnt that I can draw pets (this was a subject that I always avoided) and there are some really cute houses on the planet. 

I feel as a woman who is in a position where I don’t have to think twice about buying menstrual  items, and one who actually has a subscription sent to her door once a month it is my duty to do my bit and make sure that one day this horrible thing we know as period poverty no longer exists. Every time I raise money for EM I can only wish I was closer to Manchester to help out more. 

The main thing taken from this is that most people on this earth are lovely , patient and supporting. 

Thank you to all who pledged I managed to raise £850 in total for this wonderful charity tackling period poverty and your money helped them remain funded for over a month! 

Further more to all who are solely fighting period poverty in any way shape or form. Thank you & Keep going! One day we will get there.

Thank you so much Sarah! You are helping us get period products to those who need them.

Isobel Southgate