Introducing the Every Month Team: ROSE

Rose is the one on the right xo

Rose is the one on the right xo


I’m so excited to be blogging for Every Month. I can’t wait to start sharing ideas and news concerning all matters menstruation and documenting the progress of the campaign. Over the coming weeks, there will be posts a plenty about the new team members so below is mine to kick us off..

About Me

I’m a theatre Admin Officer and freelance Script Writer, living in Manchester.  I’m a vegetarian and inter-sectional feminist – both of these things inspire me to campaign for change.  I’m really good at starting DIY projects but not so great at finishing them. I like stitching stuff, painting stuff, cat bothering, coffee, jazzy shirts, Twin Peaks and Louis Theroux’s gangster rap.  I don’t like olives or the word ‘refreshments’.

1.What’s your role with Every Month? What will you be doing?

I am the Blogger for Every Month! I’ll be posting weekly on campaign updates, upcoming events, political and social issues surrounding menstruation and more. My aim is to encourage people to talk more openly about periods and spread the word about the campaign.

2. How did you find out about the campaign?

I actually found Every Month on Instagram (@everymonthmcr). I followed the account because I was inspired by the aim, as soon as Rosy put a call out for volunteers, I started on my cover letter.

3. What interested you about getting involved?

I wanted to help Every Month reach more people in need of free sanitary packs,  spread the word about the campaign and promote the need to talk about menstruation openly. I also wanted to work on something I felt strongly about with a group of like minded people.

4. Where do you hope the campaign will be in a year’s time? 

I hope Every Month packs will be available at so many more locations in Manchester and beyond. It would be great if  more people knew about them and used them.

5. Who are you inspired by?

David Bowie is my all time hero, I love his constant reinvention, he has always  inspired me to be myself and accept others for who they want to be.

6. What books/documentaries/films etc do you recommend to everyone?

  • Books: The Robber BrideThe Handmaid’s Tale and Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood. Why We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Beloved by Toni Morrison, The Accidental by Ali Smith, Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe.

  • Documentaries, films and tv shows: Making a MurdererTed TalksPeep ShowFlight of the ConchordsGhostworld (I have an Enid tattoo on my leg, YAS)

7. What change would you like to see in the way menstruation is currently discussed?

There is still such stigma about discussing periods despite the fact that SO many people have them and have done for centuries. I’ve never really understood why it’s considered a taboo topic and I’d love to see more people feeling comfortable talking about them.

8. What would you tell your younger self about periods?

This is REALLY normal and nothing to be worried about.

9. What helps you most when you’re on your period?

I just want to eat everything so I embrace it. Several packets of Pom Bears, full fat Coke, ice creams, share bags of Twirl Bites. It’s been done before and I just go with it. I also have a hot water bottle shaped like a T-Rex. Who says period pain can’t be fun?

10. Anything you’d like to add?

 If you have any kick ass ideas you think would be perfect for discussion or you’d like to talk about guest posting, please email me at


Rosy Candlin